Baxian Trust (Labuan)

Baxian Trust (Labuan) Limited, company number: LL11758, is a licensed trust company authorised to provide trustee and corporate services in Labuan.

As a member of the Portcullis Group of trust, fund and corporate services companies, we offer family office services from its offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, British Virgin Islands, Cook Islands, Cayman Islands, Samoa, Seychelles, New Zealand and Labuan.

We provide trust, corporate secretarial services and fund services through our experience team of legal and administrative professionals and work closely with other Portcullis Group offices in various jurisdictions.

Our services in Labuan include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Provision of company secretarial and registered office services;
  • Maintenance of the statutory records and minute books;
  • Attendance to all statutory filings in the country of domicile;
  • Arrangement for payment of annual fees to local registrars and regulators.