Labuan, a federal territory of Malaysia, is strategically located in the heart of Asia Pacific. It can be easily accessed from all major regional economic centres such as Bangkok, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Singapore. Clients may conveniently attend meetings in Labuan and return to home within the same day or the next.
As a mid-shore jurisdiction, Labuan entities strike an ideal balance between client confidentiality and compliance with international best standards and practices. The jurisdiction provides business which are looking to expand into ASEAN and Asia Pacific, an effective and legitimate way of capitalising on the region’s growth and beyond.
Labuan’s business-friendly environment, anchored by a simple and attractive tax system and a pool of skilled human resources, is well-supported by a robust, modern and internationally-recognised legal framework based on the English common law.
In addition, the jurisdiction boasts a wide range of business and investment structures facilitating cross-border transactions, business dealings and wealth management needs.
These unique qualities offer sound options for regional businesses going global or global businesses looking to enter Asia’s burgeoning markets.
Most importantly, Labuan has a comprehensive, modern and globally-recognised supervisory framework that adheres to protocols on anti-money laundering and exchange of information and regulatory requirements set by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Labuan is a “white listed” jurisdiction as deemed by the OECD, ensuring a safe and secure business environment to conduct international trade.